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Property and gardens


You will find Napier House nestled amongst lush gardens of approximately one acre.


  Colourful and eclectic at the front of the house, they become more formal at the back where is found two small formal box gardens planted with lavender, lilies and other fragrant plants.  Further, down the steps is the French formal potager and beyond the wooden fence is the woodland.


Our gardens are both meant to be beautiful and  interesting botanically.  Clematis and honeysuckle climb the brick walls, old roses are given pride of place, colourful and rare perennials are everywhere, heirloom vegetables burst out of their formal planting squares. 


Feel free to come and walk, around and enjoy with us the magical show nature creates for us every year. 


In addition to our guest house, we run a small nursery where we propagate and sell rare and unusual perennials. To find out more about this you can click on the logo below, which will take you to the nursery's website. 

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