The list for 2025 will soon be available!

We are pleased introduce tools to our offerings this year. We have two selections of European high quality tools for this year.a Click on the photograph on the left or the link 'outils' in the menu to access the page. English descriptions on individual tools.
Thanks for checking out our nursery website, home to our enthusiastic plant world!
02 December 2024
Another peculiar season, not surprisingly the hottest we've ever had here. It was notable in having weeks of hot weather, even at night, which is not something we had ever had before. We were also short on rain, although the occasional downpour meant that the grass remained green. We did have to water quite a lot, especially the newly planted woodland.
The guesthouse kept us very busy and so some nursery plans had to be put on hold yet again. We continue to maintain the main production and sow a few seeds, but not much propagation was done otherwise. We will still have a selection for the coming spring, but numbers will be limited.
Please note that since we cannot be at the nursery on a regular basis, it is not open to the public. We don't have plants in pots to sell in the summer, we only operate by mail or pickup when plants can be dug up and divided, in spring and fall.
If you would like to see the growing plants, you are welcome to visit the garden at our guesthouse, where you will find most of them.
Find more information on the Guesthouse HERE.
Have a great gardening season!
Philippe Levesque
Ichtyoselmis macranthos
Our nursery is a small business specializing in plants rarely offered on North American markets.
Our criterias for selecting our plants are usually as follow :
-scarcity in the commerce
- performance
- beauty and elegance
- easy of culture
We hope you will like our selection, and please let us know of plants that interest you particularly, we are always open to suggestions!